Friday, July 9, 2010

In donesian Celebrity Scandal shocked religious society

Yesterday, I read the article “Alleged celebrity sex tape shocks modest Indonesia” on CNN website. The leak out of the sex video clips of Indonesian super star Ariel and his two girl friends’ sex video last the hot button in last week in Indonesia. The unprecedented sex video clips shocked the modest Indonesian.

It was reported that Ariel’s computer was stolen, thus all of his private videos were exposed and some of them were uploaded to the internet. After that, the photos and videos were widely spread on twitter, facebook such media texts.

The scandal triggers the debate of whether education about sex. The Minister of Education Muhammad Nuh emphasizes “NO”. Instead, he suggested schools to search students’ mobile phones to protect them from the widely dissemination of the video clips. Although new media speed the development of democracy, the dissemination of such video severe threats the rules and cultural norms to a religious society. This is also the reason why Ariel and those girls are facing sentence, be punished for their immorality behavior. In addition, the celebrities are encountering the protestors’ condemning in conservative Islamic groups. This issue calls for the government’s action to reinforce the nationwide internet censorship. "The spread of this video is very worrying, especially if the government or the information minister try to use it to implement a ministerial regulation on new media content," the chairman of the Alliance of Independent Journalists, Nezar Patria, told the New York Times.


  1. I say, Ariel "Peterpan", Luna Maya, and Cut Tari should not be prosecuted! True, we can say that Ariel's behavior to record these sex act is quite unusual in Indonesia. You also can say that they are shameless, but they are no criminals!

    In this story, they are the victim. They are the victim of robbery, breach of privacy, and Harming their good name. Those videos are meant for personal use and was not intended to be made public. That is if we believe that they did not spread this video intentionally. You know, many celebrities put their scandalous video just to promote themselves these days.

    Once again, I say that people should not prosecute them since they are the victim in this case.

  2. I agree with my upstair mr.vincezzz,haha.The celebrities are victim because recording sex tape is definitely human's rights, their freedom, maybe a little bit wired habit. But it is nothing to do with public, the recorder was not tending to show his "work" to anyone else except himself and his partners.i think this story may show the negative aspect of speed advancement of internet, which is redefining the term "privacy".

    Do you still remeber the very famous event "Yan zhao men" which is smiliar story as this one and happened in Hongkong. The celebrity got same problem with Ariel and he has been judged by public for a long time via mass media, especially internet and finally this event absolutely affected his career and his family, also his partner's reputation. However, he is victim. i don't think it's totally about ethic but it's make more sense of how human's privacy being attacked by internet development.

  3. "Instead, he suggested schools to search students’ mobile phones to protect them from the widely dissemination of the video clips. "
    Sounds like something that people could do in China. I felt so sad about opinions like this, to restrict things like this could only make people become more curious.
    But I also think that the person who distributed the videos should be charged since he offended the privacy of others.

  4. I remember that the first website that spread this video ( posted it like it is only a joke. they said, "wait for the next episodes". They said there are 24 (or more) videos with different celebrities. also gay sex and three-ways. It is very degrading humanism.

  5. What a weir idea to check student's mobiles? How will it help.
    Actually, when you prohibit something it always becomes desirable, so in my opinion, it will NO WAY help the situation.
    By the way, all these people who complain about the video tape are not holly themsleves. I mean every person has his own weird preferences, in this case is video tape. But these celebrities did not kill or rob anyone. So is not it better for Indonesian government to focus on something MORE important? hah =)

  6. actually the government does not rally involved in this case. Those religious groups are the ones that stress the local government to take action. You know, these groups have major influence in Indonesian public system, so local government had no choice.

    and about the mobile phone thing. Since a few years back, sex video has been widely distributed to students through mobile phones in Indonesia. I don't really know the detail about it, since my school prohibit students to bring their cells. But the school (under the government) may just use this incident to check their phones, since it is still highly prohibited to own these video underage.

  7. Yes, there is some conservative group announced that peopel should not have sex freedom. I am not very familiar about the religion in Indonisia, but i do feel that majority kinds of religion is conflicted with sex...

  8. This is indeed a question worthy of discussion and thinking. In the new media development of society, the spread of information also increased rapidly. Although media freedom and democracy are worth promoting, shortcomings still exist. Censorship of the Internet system to protect personal privacy is urgent.
